87 W. Rubber Tree Drive, West Palm Beach FL 33467.



Memory Care

Our specially trained Alzheimer’s and Dementia staff joins residents in their moment, rather than trying to bring them into our reality. Our goal is to get to know each resident and their family. We build strong partnerships with families and loved ones based on communication, education and support.

Path of Life provides the following:
We individualize our Alzheimer’s and Dementia Service to help with reminders, redirection, medication, bathing and other specific needs.

  • We gather a detailed life story from you, helping us get to know your loved one when they can no longer share their own stories themselves.
  • We personalize the environment of your loved one to make their surroundings more comfortable and familiar.
  • We offer recreational and social programs based on your loved one’s personal preferences and abilities.
  • Through our family-to-family connections, we offer the opportunity for you to share and learn from other families experiencing similar
  • situations, through family gatherings and visitations.